John C. Clower
Company I, 73rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Published in the Pawnee Herald:
Death Occurred at Chanute, Kan., and Burial Near Pawnee, Ill.
John C. Clower, a former well-known resident of King township, died at his home at Chanute, Kan., Monday, Feb. 1, after eight years of poor health.
The remains were brought from Kansas and taken to Pawnee today (Thursday) where the funeral will be held Friday at 11 a.m. from the Baptist church near there. Interment will follow in the Horse Creek cemetery near the church, which is located in Sangamon county.
Six years ago in January, this year, he left King township, where he had lived since a boy, and located with his wife at Chanute, Kansas.
He was an old soldier and served his country well. While in the army he was wounded, from which he suffered more or less the balance of his life. Being severely wounded in one of the hard battles in the early war, he was unable to leave the hospital for four months. A bullet entered his face to one side of his nose and pierced his head, coming out near the ear on the opposite side of his head. This wound healed before the end of the strife and the fact that he had come so near death in one instance placed no damper on his eagerness to fight if necessary. Later in the war he was stricken with typhoid fever and this also caused him to spend a long period in a hard fight against death. His wound finally caused creeping paralysis and during the last years of his life he was practically helpless, requiring a constant attendant. He was a patient sufferer. Deceased was a member of the Pawnee Baptist church; also a member of the Zenobia Camp of Modern Woodmen. He was honored and respected by all who knew him, and he frequently served in local offices of his township and rendered up-to-the-notch service. He was the youngest son of William and Rebecca Clower, being one of eight children, all deceased except Mrs. Ann R. Compton of Taylorville. His mother died 46 years ago and his father 24 years ago this coming April.
John Cox Clower, the subject of this sketch, was born near Dayton, Ohio, August 18, 1844, and at the age of seven moved with his parents to Illinois, locating in King township, where he lived until his removal to Kansas. He owned a valuable tract of land in King, but sold out, hoping that he would enjoy better health in Kansas.
He was united in marriage to Miss Anna Davis of Sangamon county, Jan. 14, 1869. Rev. J. J. of King township performed the ceremony. After his marriage Mr. Clower lived on his father's farm, 9 miles northwest of Morrisonville.
Eight children were born to them, the eldest, Walter, dying in infancy. Arthur W. Clower, one of his sons, died April 18, 1909. The other six children and their mother survive. The surviving children are Charles H. Clower of Thayer, Kan.; Edith Sloman, a widowed daughter, Chanute, Kan.; Freely H. Clower, Clarksdale, Ill.; Carrie M. Ebe, Elsa V. Davis and Loretta G. White, Pawnee, Ill. He is also survived by 18 grandchildren.