3rd (Consolidated) Illinois
Unassigned Recruits
Name |
Residence |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
ADAMS, Franklin |
Stockton |
Mar 3, 1865 |
--- |
ADAMS, William |
Stockton |
Mar 3, 1865 |
--- |
ADDISON, Oscar |
Belmont |
Mar 30, 1865 |
--- |
ALLEN, John |
Taylorsville |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
BAIN, John |
Peoria |
Mar 27, 1865 |
--- |
BARKER, Joseph W |
Taylorsville |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
BEARD, William |
Locust |
Apr 14, 1865 |
--- |
BOWEN, Frank |
Peoria |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
BOWLIN, John |
Hardin |
Mar 8, 1865 |
--- |
BRENNER, David |
Ogle |
Mar 7, 1865 |
--- |
BROWN, James |
Hardin |
Mar 8, 1865 |
--- |
BROWN, James S |
Maine |
Jan 14, 1865 |
--- |
BROWN, Thomas J |
--- |
--- |
--- |
BUDD, Joseph H |
Clyde |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
BURK, Thomas |
Scott |
Mar 25, 1865 |
--- |
BURNS, Charles |
Butler |
Apr 4, 1865 |
Deserted |
BURTCH, David |
Butler |
Apr 4, 1865 |
--- |
CAMPBELL, Archibald |
Vienna |
Jan 19, 1865 |
--- |
CATON, George D |
E Joliet |
Jan 16, 1865 |
--- |
CLARK, George W |
W Joliet |
Feb 1, 1865 |
--- |
COFFEY, Benjamin C |
Rural |
Mar 2, 1865 |
Mustered out May 21, 1865 |
COKE, Thomas W |
Litchfield |
Mar 22, 1865 |
--- |
Locust |
Apr 13, 1865 |
--- |
Brookfield |
Apr 11, 1865 |
--- |
CONNAY, Martin |
Peoria |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
CONNORS, Henry |
Peoria |
Feb 24, 1865 |
--- |
CRISBEE, James |
China |
Feb 16, 1865 |
--- |
CUTMORE, William |
North Western |
Mar 25, 1865 |
--- |
DALEY, John |
Butler |
Apr 4, 1865 |
--- |
DANIEL, Martin P |
Petersburg |
Feb 3, 1865 |
Discharged May 3, 1865 |
DAVIS, Peter |
Indian Grove |
Feb 27, 1865 |
Died at Camp Butler, Ill. |
DERMAN, William |
Cropsey |
Feb 3, 1865 |
--- |
DONDLE, Andrew |
Hamilton |
Apr 1, 1865 |
--- |
DONLEY, Joseph |
Peoria |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
DOYLE, James |
--- |
--- |
--- |
DUGGAN, Michael |
--- |
--- |
--- |
ELLSBERRY, Charles F |
Venedy |
Mar 7, 1865 |
--- |
EVERS, William |
Peoria |
Mar 10, 1865 |
--- |
FARRELL, Richard |
East Joliet |
Jan 17, 1865 |
--- |
FARRELL, Samuel |
--- |
--- |
--- |
FORD, Samuel E |
Chicago |
Mar 2, 1865 |
Mustered out May 11, 1865 |
FOSTER, Charles A |
Chicago |
Sep 28, 1864 |
--- |
FOSTER, Harry |
U Bear Creek |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
FOSTER, William |
Freedom |
Mar 28, 1865 |
--- |
FRAKES, Perry |
U Bear Creek |
Apr 13, 1865 |
--- |
FREESE, John |
Lancaster |
Mar 6, 1865 |
--- |
GILMORE, Henry |
Mt Pleasant |
Apr 14, 1865 |
--- |
GLOVER, Isaac J |
Elm Grove |
Oct 1, 1864 |
--- |
GODFREY, Andrew |
U. Bear Creek |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
GOODE, Patrick |
Peru |
Mar 31, 1865 |
--- |
GRACY, George B |
Alhambra |
Jan 28, 1865 |
--- |
GREEN, John |
Bloom |
Jan 24, 1865 |
--- |
GREER, William |
Peoria |
Apr 3, 1865 |
--- |
GREGORY, Thomas B |
Roanoke |
Feb 21, 1865 |
--- |
HAGLER, Silas P |
Bond Co |
Mar 13, 1865 |
Mustered out Jun 3, 1865 |
HASKELL, William |
Pawnee |
Jan 26, 1865 |
--- |
HENRY, Francis |
Palmyra |
Mar 29, 1865 |
--- |
HICKLING, Thomas |
East Joliet |
Feb 1, 1865 |
Mustered out May 21, 1865 |
HILL, James |
Ball |
Sep 26, 1864 |
--- |
HILL, Thomas |
Ball |
Sep 26, 1864 |
--- |
HIND, John |
Hamilton |
Apr 1, 1865 |
--- |
HOPTON, James |
Eden |
Apr 14, 1865 |
--- |
HOSEY, John |
Taylorville |
Apr 12, 1865 |
Mustered out May 11, 1865 |
HOUSE, William |
Pennsylvania |
Mar 3, 1865 |
MO Oct 25 to date Oct 10, 1865 |
HOW, James |
Rosemond |
Mar 18, 1865 |
--- |
HUDSON, James |
Hall |
Feb 1, 1865 |
--- |
HUGHES, Phelis |
Coal Valley |
Apr 14, 1865 |
--- |
HULIN, Henry |
Locust |
Apr 13, 1865 |
--- |
HYLAND, Hugh |
Mineral Springs |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
Peoria |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
JOHNSON, Andrew J |
North Western |
Mar 29, 1865 |
--- |
JOHNSON, William |
Pocahontas |
Mar 24, 1865 |
Mustered out May 11, 1865 |
JONES, Thomas |
Chicago |
Sep 28, 1864 |
--- |
KANE, Robert |
Peoria |
Mar 22, 1865 |
--- |
KEFFER, Albert |
White Rock |
Feb 27, 1865 |
--- |
KELLY, David |
Prairie |
Mar 28, 1865 |
--- |
KELLY, James |
Peoria |
Mar 27, 1865 |
--- |
KELLY, Thomas |
Worth |
Jan 17, 1865 |
--- |
Butler |
Apr 4, 1865 |
Deserted |
KERBY, Michael |
Clyde |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
Chicago |
Sep 28, 1864 |
MO Nov 13 to date July 11, 1865 |
KIERNAN, Samuel |
Clear Lake |
Feb 13, 1865 |
--- |
KIPPER, James P |
Locust |
Apr 14, 1865 |
Mustered out Jun 8, 1865 |
Locust |
Apr 13, 1865 |
--- |
LANGIN, Patrick |
East Joliet |
Feb 1, 1865 |
--- |
LEECH, Robert |
Groveland |
Oct 8, 1864 |
Died, Camp Butler, Nov 20, 1864 |
LEWIS, William |
Pickaway |
Apr 8, 1865 |
--- |
LONG, John |
Vienna |
Jan 19, 1865 |
--- |
LOOMEY, William |
--- |
--- |
--- |
MANGUM, Howell B |
Mt Vernon |
Mar 8, 1865 |
Died at Camp Butler, Ill. |
McARTHUR, Benjamin |
Hickory |
Mar 7, 1865 |
Mustered out May 11, 1865 |
McDERMOTT, Eugene |
Coal Valley |
Apr 14, 1865 |
--- |
McDONEL, William |
Ridge |
Apr 7, 1865 |
--- |
McMANNUS, William |
East Joliet |
Jan 17, 1865 |
--- |
MELTZER, Louis |
Chalmers |
Mar 11, 1865 |
--- |
MITCHELL, Frederick |
Linn |
Feb 10, 1865 |
--- |
MOONEY, James |
Springfield |
Feb 16, 1865 |
Mustered out May 21, 1865 |
MORRISY, Edmund |
Alton |
Feb 22, 1865 |
--- |
MOYER, John H |
Chicago |
Mar 31, 1865 |
--- |
MURPHY, William |
Meriden |
Mar 18, 1865 |
--- |
MURRAY, John |
Newell |
Mar 28, 1865 |
--- |
NEILL, Peter |
Braceville |
Feb 1, 1865 |
--- |
O'BRIAN, Thomas |
Rosemond |
Mar 18, 1865 |
--- |
PADDOCK, Frederick |
Cotton Hill |
Feb 13, 1865 |
--- |
PALMER, Charles |
Peoria |
Mar 3, 1865 |
--- |
PALMER, George |
East Joliet |
Jan 16, 1865 |
--- |
PARKS, John |
Peoria |
Feb 24, 1865 |
--- |
Millbrook |
Apr 6, 1865 |
--- |
PLATT, James R |
Millford |
--- |
--- |
POWERS, Charles W |
Boynton |
Oct 4, 1864 |
Rejected by Board |
PRICE, Andrew J |
Scottsville |
Mar 1, 1865 |
Mustered out May 11, 1865 |
PRUDEN, John R |
Walnut Grove |
Mar 8, 1865 |
Mustered out Jun 3, 1865 |
PUTMAN, James |
--- |
Feb 26, 1864 |
Mustered out July 10, 1865 |
Vienna |
Jan 19, 1865 |
--- |
RAPP, William |
Clyde |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
REED, Charles W |
Sulphur Springs |
Mar 10, 1865 |
--- |
REED, John |
Locust |
Apr 13, 1865 |
--- |
RITTER, Aaron |
Cazenovia |
Mar 1, 1865 |
Died, Camp Butler, Mar 28, 1865 |
RODGERS, George W |
Peoria |
Mar 22, 1865 |
--- |
ROLLS, John |
Scott |
Mar 25, 1865 |
--- |
ROURKE, James |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Grandview |
Apr 6, 1865 |
--- |
SCOTT, John |
Locust |
Apr 13, 1865 |
--- |
SEYMOUR, Charles |
Fond Du Lac |
Oct 7, 1864 |
--- |
SHELDON, Thomas |
East Joliet |
Feb 1, 1865 |
--- |
SHRADER, Leonard |
Beardstown |
Mar 17, 1865 |
Died, Camp Butler, Mar 24, 1865 |
SIMPSON, William |
--- |
--- |
--- |
SMITH, Charles |
Peoria |
Mar 22, 1865 |
--- |
SMITH, James F |
Groveland |
Oct 8, 1864 |
Mustered out May 21, 1865 |
SMITH, John W |
Belvidere |
Jan 24, 1865 |
Deserted Feb 3, 1865 |
SMITH, William H |
Lake Fork |
Feb 21, 1865 |
--- |
SNEED, James |
Cazenovia |
Jan 27, 1865 |
--- |
SNIDER, James |
Shelbyville |
Apr 8, 1865 |
--- |
SPICE, John C |
Peoria |
Mar 3, 1865 |
--- |
STOCKTON, Thomas |
Round Grove |
Oct 4, 1864 |
Rejected |
STOUT, Jerry |
Peoria |
Mar 22, 1865 |
--- |
STREET, William |
Chicago |
Oct 13, 1864 |
--- |
SULLIVAN, George |
Peoria |
Feb 24, 1865 |
--- |
TAYLOR, William |
Springfield |
Feb 16, 1865 |
--- |
Sulphur Springs |
Mar 7, 1865 |
Died at Camp Butler, Ill. |
TIDE, William |
Peoria |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
TIGE, Thomas |
Scott |
Mar 25, 1865 |
--- |
Elm Grove |
Feb 24, 1865 |
Mustered out Jun 3, 1865 |
Chicago |
Feb 8, 1865 |
--- |
Tower Hill |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
WATSON, Amos F |
Scottsville |
Feb 23, 1865 |
Mustered out May 21, 1865 |
WATTON, Edward |
West Joliet |
Jan 17, 1865 |
--- |
WELCH, Charles |
El Paso |
Jan 17, 1865 |
--- |
WELCH, Lawrence |
Taylorville |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
WHITE, Jeremiah |
Taylorville |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
WHITLOW, William |
Beardstown |
Mar 17, 1865 |
--- |
WILCOX, Robert D |
Clyde |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |
WILLIAMS, Franklin |
Peoria |
Mar 2, 1865 |
--- |
WRIGHT, John |
North Western |
Mar 25, 1865 |
--- |
WRIGHT, William R |
Manhattan |
Apr 11, 1865 |
--- |
YOUNG, James |
Alhambra |
Apr 15, 1865 |
--- |